Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Spring Board Accident

My daughter is a gymnast and one day she came home anxious for me to see this You Tube video.
I have to admit, it is something you may never see again. (Which is definitely a good thing.) Do I have you interested???

Library Thing

It was interesting to explore "Library Thing". I found the site to be extremely easy to maneuver in. Plus, getting a count on how many individuals cataloged the same favorite books as I had was enlightening.

Below is a link that will show you just a few of my favorite books.

Flickr Trial

I was able to make a Flickr home page (see below URL address link). I had hoped to post a picture direct to this blog, yet was not successful :-(

There must be a way. I just haven't figured it out yet. Slow, but sure...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Library Weblogs

While trying to locate a few library-related blogs, I was excited to find Library Weblogs.
The link below actually provides a tremendous link to many useful library-related blogs. Each link has a tag that describes what is included in each blog site making it, of course, that much more helpful. Plus, it was interesting to look at the stats of country-based blog sites. There were tons available in the United States versus the few available in the many other countries included in the weblog.

My Meez Character

This was a bit tricky for me to post on my blog. However, I am truly happy that I can say I did it. Surprisingly, I even did it without any outside assistance. ( That alone is a major accomplishment.)

Friday, September 21, 2007

RSS Feeds

Please do not tell yourself that you can not set up a RSS Feed. I can't believe how truly excited I am to discover this process. It will absolutely make your life easier!! Plus, it does not take so very long to set up. Go Technology!!

Entertainment on the rise

I was happy to learn that NBC will now be offering certain TV programming for download on personal computers. ABC has been doing this service for a year or so and it has been a big hit. To remain competitive, NBC is acknowledging that now, more than ever, viewers want to be in control of how, when and where they consumer their favorite entertainment.

The library already knows this - look at the stats for entertainment DVDs - huge increase in circs.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beginning of Understanding

I can't believe that I am actually doing this. I have heard my daughter and her friends talk of such places as My Space, etc... yet I never really understood how those things all worked. I am surprised to find that I am able to blog and that it is not too difficult. Though - keep in mind - that I have not had to find this site a 2nd time yet. Hopefully, the process will remain relatively simple. Carol